
Martha is Dead – Ending Explained – My Thoughts

The ending in Martha Is Dead is really confusing. Martha Is Dead is an adventure horror game that focuses around the death of Martha.

“Don’t forget My Name” Soundtrack:
“Tell me your tale, tell me you´re here
Maybe I´m real, maybe not
Don´t forget my name this time”

Scenes and Memories from the Past:
The Daughter, The House, The Mother

One important clue that Giulia and Martha are the same. They both get pregnant by friend (lover) Lapo. What is the chance that this happens in real life? Really small. So Guilia and Martha are the same!

Giulia = Martha

So now, the question is, does Giulia create Martha or Martha creates Giulia?

In the end, with a helping hand, local Priest Don Attilio invites Giulia to live in the church with him because she is disturbed by her lost memories and second world war is still going on…

Puppet theatre inside the church, what does it mean?

Giulia enters the Church, and instead of people, see marionettes. There was staff from the psychiatric hospital to take care of Giulia. After listening to all the conversations about the treatment of Giulia, the player communicates with her reflection in the mirror.

You are not sure where its all happening, inside Giulia (Martha) head or its real. Do some or all of the events only occurred in Giulia’s head?

We know one thing for sure. Irene married a German officer. Irene is abusive toward her daughter. Irene gives birth, which leaves her infertile. To treat her infertility, she starts taking Methamphetamine, a German drug called Pervitin. And the addiction to this chemical makes her brutal and violent. She starts beating her daughter heavily.

You will no longer able to tell light from darkness

In Sorrow the difference is so subtle. You are alone and you will remain alone

At the end there are 3 main questions:

She asks herself, in the mirror:
1. Who are You?
I am You

2. What about Martha? I am Martha! Martha is Dead! Martha Does not Exist! All three questions are the same and true and the answer is only one.

3. What about Mother? Her Mother is Dead.

My Final Conclusion:

1. Irene give a birth to Giulia

2. Because trauma and personality disorder Giulia creates imaginary character Martha, who is both deaf and mute for fifteen years

“When Giulia is five or six years old, Irene beats her badly with a cane. This experience leads Giulia to create an alternate persona, Martha, who can neither hear nor speak. Giulia internally writes off anything that she feels pain or shame about as having happened to Martha instead. It seems that Irene encouraged this as a means to keep little Giulia from disturbing her, telling the child to go and play with her “sister.” Giulia’s parents even went so far as to give the two personalities their own beds and wardrobes.”

3. Giulia kills Irena by the Lake at the beginning of the game
(Actually I think, we never see Irene after death of Martha in the scene, all we hear is her voice)

4. In the same moment when Giulia (Martha) kills Irene, Martha also disappears, and Giulia for the first time can see things more profound. This is why the title and theme “Martha is Dead”. Martha was defensive mechanism for Giulia and when Irene, the only danger is gone, Martha, her savior disappear. Actually Martha killed Irene, and vanish forever.

A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving. A person with a personality disorder has trouble perceiving and relating to situations and people.

Eon suggests out possible solution “Dissociative identity disorder

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